Sunday, May 11, 2008

Is Homeschooling the Only Way???

It can be tempting to treat homeschooling like a religious movement and declare that this is the only way. I believe that there are many paths that people can follow that will lead to having children that can lead lives filled with contribution and happiness.
The truth is that even within homeschooling there are many different approaches. Are you homeschooling for religious or education reasons or both? How hands off are you going to be? What curriculum will you use or will you use any at all?
I think we have to remember that ultimately nearly every parent wants the best for their child and is working toward that. Some believe that the best way (or the only way that they could handle right now) is to send their child to public school. Others opt for private or charter schools. Others decide to teach their kids at home, and still others (like us) decide to see what their kids are interested in and then go along for the ride. While we can share our reasons for homeschooling, it is extremely important that we show respect toward those that have chosen a different path, because they love their kids just as much and are working just as hard (or maybe even harder with nightly homework) to help their kids succeed.
Just a thought.

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